Ultimate Guide to Speedotrack School Bus Tracking | Speedotrack GPS

Ultimate Guide
to School Bus

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The importance of school bus tracking location is unlimited. A GPS tracking system for school buses is a specialized satellite-based navigation system. Through this system, it is possible for parents and authorities to keep a track of the real-time location of the school bus. Therefore, it is vital in ensuring the safety of school kids and the bus.

Speedotrack school bus tracking system uses navigation technology to ensure that parents and school authorities are always aware of the geo-location of the school bus. Through the Speedotrack school bus navigation system, student safety is prioritized and various issues like child kidnapping or trafficking can be avoided.

It also helps the authorities to keep a check on whether the bus drivers are choosing the right route or not and report in case they observe anything suspicious. Let us have a look at the most important advantages of using the Speedo Track GPS Tracking system for school buses: Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

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Ultimate Guide to School Bus Tracking


Ensures Real-Time School Bus Tracking

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School transportation systems deal with one of the most crucial aspects of school functioning - the safe commutation of students. It is absolutely crucial to ensure that the students reach safety from their house to the school and back to their houses after school.

A school bus with the Speedo Track GPS system is always under the surveillance of the school transportation nodal authorities as well as the parents. With the help of the real-time location tracking feature of the GPS tracking system, parents and school authorities can always track the current position of the bus. Thus, there are negligible chances of kids getting lost or the bus being lost. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Alerts to Parents and School Authorities

Alert to Parents and School Authorities | Speedotrack GPS
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When the Speedotrack GPS tracking system is connected with the mobile application, students and school authorities receive notifications as soon as the bus leaves the school premises. Thus parents can always stay alert about their wards. Through the app, they can monitor the route taken by the school bus on a virtual map.

Not only for daily school commutation, Sppedotrack GPS tracking for school buses is also quite helpful when it comes to school excursions or picnics. Parents can now remain stress-free when their children go out for any picnic or excursion. The app connected with the Speedotrack GPS tracking system will always show the location of the school bus. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Ensures Driver’s Accountability

Ensure Driver Accountability | Speedotrack GPS
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It is obvious that when parents opt for a school transportation system for the commutation of their wards, they trust the school bus driver and the team of administrators. All schools take special care in recruiting school bus drivers and transportation administrators. However, there has to be a robust system to ensure accountability.

With the help of school bus GPS tracking, the school administration can easily keep a check on the driver’s activities. This shall include the route they are following, whether the bus is going through any suspicious road and whether there is any uncanny halt during the bus journey. This shall also induce a greater sense of responsibility among the drivers. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Compliance with Traffic Rules

Compliance with Traffic Rues | Speedotrack GPS
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With the Speedotrack school bus GPS tracking system, the parents and school authorities and parents will now be able to monitor whether the school bus is obeying all traffic rules or not. There are instant alerts if any school bus breaks the speed limits. Thus the fear and chances of accidents are reduced drastically.

Avail of the Speedo Track school bus GPS tracking system today to ensure a safe journey for your kids and also to have peace of mind. Get instant alerts and notifications and monitor the bus journey virtually with real-time location tracking. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.













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Easy to Use
Vehicle Tracking

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Real-Time Tracking

One of the major benefits of GPS tracking is that a business can view vehicle progress in real time.

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Monthly History Playback

Among Speedotrack’s features is the Animated Map Replay option that allows you to retrace a vehicle’s route on a map screen for a chosen date and time.

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Mobile Apps

Speedotrack vehicle tracking solution is mobile friendly and cross platform supported track your fleet where ever it goes.

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Real-Time Alerts

Customize Speedotrack’s alerts feature to make you aware of exceptions — in real time.

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Monitor Multiple Vehicles

Monitoring Multiple vehicle using Speedotrack is very easy, user friendly and cost effective.


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