Speedotrack Fleet Tracking System | Speedotrack GPS

Speedotrack Fleet
Tracking System

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The most complicated task for any fleet owner is to keep eye on their employee How their employee using fleet of vehicles. Speedotrack Fleet Tracking System is designed for fleet owner which helps fleet owner manage their fleet. Speedotrack fleet tracking system allows fleet owner to have deeper look how their companies’ property is used. our solution reduce wastage of time and increase profitability of overall fleet operation. All the data of fleet operation is available with just click of mouse.

Above Title | Speedotrack GPS

Speedotrack Fleet Tracking System


Improve Fleet Management Workflow

Fleet tracking System
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With Speedotrack Fleet Tracking System Fleet owner can easily manage their fleet from any devices computer or smartphone anytime anywhere. Fleet owner can locate their fleet vehicles quickly, look at their movement history, and generate reports. Fleet owner will get immediate alerts via email or phone when a fleet vehicle crosses a geo fence or the speed restriction. Our solution also useful in to cut fuel expenses and boost production. We provides complete support to fleet owner from installation to training within a few months our solution will pay dividends to fleet owner. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Reduce Fleet operation Cost

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With the use of out Speedotrack Fleet Tracking System a Fleet owner will be able to monitor their fleet vehicle like driver behavior, fuel consumption, downtime monitoring etc. our solution stop unnecessary fuel consumption which helps to reduce fleet operation cost. Using our solution fleet owner easily monitor overspending, driver behavior with our video telematics solution. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Fleet tracking System

Monitor Work Quality of Employee

Fleet tracking System
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In any type of fleet operation business honesty of employee is most important concern for any fleet owner and at same time honest and hardworking employee should be rewarded. With our Speedotrack Fleet tracking system a fleet owner can determine who puts in a lot of effort during work hours and who doesn't, examine the driving routes taken by driver, and view and analyze driving habits etc. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Increase Fuel Efficiency

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A normal truck burns approximately 3.8 liters per hour if a fleet vehicle is idle for one hour it would be big loss per year for overall fleet operation but at same time unnecessary engine operation leads to additional expensive repair costs. Speedotrack fleet tracking system helps fleet owner to achieve fuel efficiency by controlling engine idle time, optimal route selection etc. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Fleet tracking System

Improve customer service

Fleet tracking System
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In Today’s information technology era managing a service company or delivery service is a complicated task but with Speedotrack fleet tracking solution it would be much easier for fleet owner because a fleet owner can easily track their fleet operation from any modern devices like smart phone, tablet and desktop. A fleet owner can easily check driver availability from their device and assign them new task. Our system is fully capable to increase the efficiency of overall fleet operation.Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Control Harsh and Dangerous Driving

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The ability to set speed restrictions for vehicles reliable performance when drivers utilize company property. Exceeding the speed limit or violent driving endangers not only the cargo but also the people around them, and it can harm the company's reputation and affect their business. According to research, when drivers are informed that a tracking device is installed in their vehicle and that all actions (speeding, harsh driving) are being recorded, they are 98% less likely to break traffic laws. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Fleet tracking System
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Speedotrack Fleet tracking system is easy to use, mobile friendly, has intuitive user interface. Our Fleet tracking system available for Android, iOS and Web Apps. Out GPS tracking software is designed to communicate with a wide variety of GPS Devices . You can Try our GPS Tracking Platform and Experience the difference. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.













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Easy to Use
Vehicle Tracking

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Real-Time Tracking

One of the major benefits of GPS tracking is that a business can view vehicle progress in real time.

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Monthly History Playback

Among Speedotrack’s features is the Animated Map Replay option that allows you to retrace a vehicle’s route on a map screen for a chosen date and time.

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Mobile Apps

Speedotrack vehicle tracking solution is mobile friendly and cross platform supported track your fleet where ever it goes.

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Real-Time Alerts

Customize Speedotrack’s alerts feature to make you aware of exceptions — in real time.

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Monitor Multiple Vehicles

Monitoring Multiple vehicle using Speedotrack is very easy, user friendly and cost effective.


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