In India Agriculture economy is the backbone of Indian Economy. Agriculture provides 58% employment of total Indian population. GPS technology is very helpful for precision agriculture or site-specific farming and Speedotrack has its solution to get real-time data with accurate positioning information of agriculture equipment to improve efficiency of operation and maximize the profit.
Speedotrack GPS Tracking System in Agriculture is very useful for tractor guidance, yield mapping and field planning these information will be very useful for farmer to achieve effective strategies for plant and soil treatment to boost the production. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

Role of GPS Tracking System in Agriculture

Sometime in village area climate is very harsh like low visibility in winter season, Heavy rain in rainy season etc. but Speedotrack GPS software and Speedotrack GPS technology will helpful for farmer to overcome these challenges. Speedotrack Software and Speedotrack GPS Technology is very accurate and cost effective as well as user friendly. Using our solution farmers can easily manage micro thing in their field and maximize their efficiency of their operation. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.
Features of Speedotrack GPS Tracker
Data Collection
With our modern GPS technology easy for farmer and big farming businesses to collect data and analyze it for specific area of the farm field.
Accurate Field Navigation
Speedotrack precise field navigation system reduce redundant applications and helps to cover maximum ground coverage in less time.
Work in Any Condition
Our GPS tracking system works perfectly in harsh environment like heavy rain, low visibility, fog etc. and help to improve efficiency of operation.
In recent years GPS technology improved a lot to help farmers to increase their productivity with precision. Global positioning system allows farmers to create farm map, road location, important areas etc. with our GPS technology large farming businesses easily navigate to particular farming location and collect soil sample and inspect soil condition. Speedotrack tracking system also provides 90 days playback history to help farmer to analyses data and make future decision to improve productive of overall operation. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.
Our Features & Services.
Speedotrack Vehicle Tracking Solutions combine sophisticated GPS tracking technology with flexible, advanced mapping and reporting software.
A GPS-enabled Vehicle Tracking Device is installed on each vehicle to collect and transmit tracking data via a cellular and satellite network, whichever works best for your operations.
The device then delivers the data to the Speedotrack hosted application, which you can access through the Web at any time.
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