The JC400D EdgeCam 2 is our highest-level integrated video telematics camera. Using high-end DMS technology, you can capture what matters most, coach your drivers, mitigate risks, defend against fraudulent insurance claims, and protect your business' reputation. The JC400D LTE dash cam works independently of any phone or hotspot, ensuring reliable and smooth recording on the road. Please get in touch and our expert support team will answer all your question.

Features of JC400D Telematic Camera

Driver Management System
Using DMS technology, the JC400D can assess the driver's alertness behind wheels and warn the driver with in-cab alerts if any sign of drowsiness or fatigue or inattentiveness is detected.
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Event Video to Cloud
In the event of a serious accident, collision or improper driving behavior, the JC400D will, as required, capture event videos and send them to the cloud for storage. With a 4G connection, you can have faster data speeds and wider network coverage, enabling you to respond or take action immediately.
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Engine Cut-Off Feature
Long-distance truck, van, and taxi drivers are prone to fatigue because of long hours behind the wheel. It is of paramount importance for you to be able to immobilize a vehicle in your fleet if you find the driver has exceeded their HOS. Besides, you never know if your vehicle is safe from theft or un-authorized use, so the remote engine off capability of the JC400D can be proved to be useful in a way or another.
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