GPS Tracking Software Cloud Hosted 07 | Speedotrack GPS

GPS Tracking
(Cloud Hosted)

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Hosted software is a great choice for GPS tracking business. It helps to avoid extra expenses when hosting GPS tracking software in own server. Server with software resides in Data Center and we undertake all technical aspects, while you will be able to concentrate on your core business. Our team will prepare server with software for you, support your service, ensure physical and electronic security and keep it up to date. You will get ready to go GPS tracking server in less than 24 hours, no technical skills needed.

Monthly or annual cost of service depends on number of devices which will be connected to server, choose pricing plan according to your needs. Plan can be upgraded at any time. Hosted software is a complete white label GPS tracking system. To personalize software, use your company name, logo, domain, change colors and login page look. Please get in touch and our expert team will contact you.

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Features of GPS Cloud Hosted Software Features of GPS Cloud Hosted Software

Features of GPS Cloud Hosted Software

White Label

It is very easy to start you own GPS tracking business with our White Label business opportunity with less investment and it is cost effective to grow your profit.

API Access

Using our API Feature you will be able to develop mobile apps, frameworks, management tools, and software applications to access and use pertinent data

GPS Business

With our White Label business opportunity and Distribution solution you can easily build Profitable GPS tracking business with your own with our 24/7 support.

GPS Software

Our GPS Software comes with cutting edge GPS technology and we are one of the market leader in this segment used by many client in India and abroad.

Manage GPS Business

We also provides dedicated website and CRM solution to our partner so that our partner can run and manage GPS tracking business smoothly and focus on building new sales.

Easy to Manage

Our CRM solution support will help to run and mange business smoothly and will help you increase you revenue and focus on customer relationship with our 24/7 support.

Updated Software

We update our GPS tracking software on equal interval of time with latest cutting edge GPS tracking technology so that our partner should competitive enough as per GPS market.

30+ Languages

Our GPS tracking software is multilingual and supports more 30+ major languages so that our partner should not feel any difficulty to use and manage their GPS tracking business.

Automatic backups

Back is one the most important activity that has to be performed on equal interval of time and we provided automatic backup feature with our GPS tracking software.

Supported Devices

Our GPS tracking software comes with latest GPS tracking technology and supports all major GPS tracking devices avilable in the market and works seamlessly.

Android and iOS

Our GPS tracking software supports both Android and iOS so that end user should not have any difficulty to run and mange their GPS tracking business via App or desktop.

99.99% Server up-time

Our GPS tracking Server comes with cutting edge technology with solid server uptime with 99.99% uptime so that our partner focus on business building and keep rest on us.

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GPS Tracking Software (Cloud Hosted)

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White label GPS
Tracking Software

Already in the business? Step on our platform. It’s fast and easy. A white-label product is a product or service produced by one company that other companies rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it. The name derives from the image of a white label on the packaging that can be filled in with the marketer's trade dress.. Our templating is flexible unlike any other. We provide our cloud based GPS tracking platform incl. API for connecting all your running units. We provide 24/7 support for our client. our pricing contains entry fee plus connection fee for every tracking unit.

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<span>White label GPS</br> Tracking Software</span>

Control Panel

Our GPS server comes with cutting edge technology and our control panel is very easy to use it does not requires any prior experience to use our GPS tracking dashboard. We also provide demo account so that end user can familiar with our control panel dashboard. In case of any doubt we are available 24/7 to help you to understand our control our dashboard.
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API Integration

API access is the process of allowing mobile apps, developers' frameworks, building management tools, and software applications to access and use pertinent data from a given API. Using our API Feature you will be able to develop mobile apps, frameworks, management tools, and software applications to access and use pertinent data.

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<span>API Integration</span>

Data Protection

Data protection is the process of safeguarding important data from corruption, compromise or loss and providing the capability to restore the data to a functional state should something happen to render the data inaccessible or unusable. our GPS tracking comes with Solid data protection feature so that our partner focus on building GPS tracking business and leave rest on us.
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Easy to Use
Vehicle Tracking

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Real-Time Tracking

One of the major benefits of GPS tracking is that a business can view vehicle progress in real time.

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Monthly History Playback

Among Speedotrack’s features is the Animated Map Replay option that allows you to retrace a vehicle’s route on a map screen for a chosen date and time.

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Mobile Apps

Speedotrack vehicle tracking solution is mobile friendly and cross platform supported track your fleet where ever it goes.

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Real-Time Alerts

Customize Speedotrack’s alerts feature to make you aware of exceptions — in real time.

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Monitor Multiple Vehicles

Monitoring Multiple vehicle using Speedotrack is very easy, user friendly and cost effective.


Don’t Hesitate to Contact us for any

Call us for immidiate support to this number

+91 7061711111
+91 8231811111

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