
March 6, 2022
FMU125-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMU125-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB125 small and professional tracker with internal high gain GSM and external GNSS antennas, which is able to collect device coordinates and other useful data

March 6, 2022
FMU126-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMU126-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. Newly introduced FMU126 is an advanced real-time tracking terminal with 3G network coverage and fallback to 2G. Device equipped with GNSS/Bluetooth and 3G modules, internal

March 6, 2022
FMU130-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMU130-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB130 is ADVANCED tracker with internal GNSS, GSM antennas, configurable digital/analogue inputs/negative input/impulse inputs, three DOUT outputs, Bluetooth connectivity and backup battery. Teltonika keeps its

March 6, 2022
FMB110-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMB110-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB110 small and professional tracker with internal high gain GSM and GNSS antennas, which is able to collect device coordinates and other useful data and

March 6, 2022
FMB120-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMB120-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB120 small and professional tracker with internal high gain GSM and GNSS antennas, which is able to collect device coordinates and other useful data and

March 6, 2022
FMB130-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMB130-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB130 is ADVANCED tracker with internal GNSS, GSM antennas, configurable digital/analogue inputs/negative input/impulse inputs, three DOUT outputs, Bluetooth connectivity and backup battery. Teltonika keeps its

March 6, 2022
FMB140-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMB140-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB140 is an ADVANCED GSM/GNSS/Bluetooth tracker with integrated CAN data processor. It is compact 2 in 1 solution: GPS tracker and CAN adapter inside! Device

March 6, 2022
MSP500-Vehicle GPS Tracker

MSP500-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. MSP500 is a special tracking terminal with GNSS/GSM/Bluetooth connectivity, internal GNSS/GSM antennas, RS232 interface and internal Ni-Mh battery. Device was designed for speed limiting control.

March 6, 2022
FMB001-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMB001-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB001 is advanced OBDII Plug and Play tracker with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth connectivity. It is perfectly suitable for light vehicle tracking in applications like

March 6, 2022
FMB002-Vehicle GPS Tracker

FMB002-Vehicle GPS TrackerGrow your business & boost up sale with SpeedotrackGet Started NowSee live demo. FMB002 is an ultra-small OBDII plug and play device with GNSS, GSM, BLE 4.0 connectivity and CAN bus data reading capability. It is a perfect